Careful Consumption: Cannabis Consumer Safety Tips

Cannabis is everywhere in popular culture, from morning talk shows to the evening news. As we discussed in the first blog of the NCF Consumer Safety Series, as cannabis and CBD products become more widely available, it’s important to understand where they come from and how they are grown. Now, we’re going to take an even deeper dive into safe practices for the cannabis curious and new consumers:

Learn Your Limits….Slowly

As a first-time or new cannabis consumer, it’s important to know your limits. We know, cannabis is awesome, but without understanding dosing, you may not get your desired effect.


When experimenting with edibles, flower or concentrates try these tips:

  1. Start small. Maybe that’s a single puff from a joint or eating a quarter or half of an edible product.

  2. Give the product time to take effect (at least 30-60 minutes).

  3. After waiting, if you feel like you can handle more, take another SMALL nibble or hit. Trust us, learning about your tolerance is best done incrementally and with patience.

In short, you can always increase the amount of cannabis you ingest, but you can’t take it out, you’ll have to wait it out. Be smart and start slow.


Dabbling in Dabs

Ah dabs! The joyful rip of the rig….the sweet and sour smell of terpenes in the air! For cannabis connoisseurs, a dab of a high quality concentrate is akin to sipping from an expensive bottle of wine. For newbies exploring concentrates, there are a few things you should know:

  1. For many, the effects of dabbing are stronger and come on faster than smoking cannabis flower. They’re called concentrates for a reason! Make sure you start small with your first dab.

  2. One easy way to take the joy of dabbing and make it an experience unpleasant is by taking a hit from your rig when it’s too hot. Take your torch and heat up the nail. Once the nail is hot, let it cool until you can comfortably hold your hand a few inches above it for 5 seconds. This is one method you can use to test the temperature of your rig. If the rig is too hot, you may find yourself with some harsh post-rip coughing. Several companies are helping solve the temperature control issue for dabbers. We’re big fans of the Terp Timer by Octave which lets you take the temperature before you take a rip.

  3. Know where your concentrates come from and the method used for extraction. There are many different methods emerging for making concentrates. Some rely on chemical intervention and others on technology. Residues from harmful chemicals can remain in the concentrates that you consume. Make sure that you’re getting your concentrates from a trusted source, like a dispensary, where products are tested and you can trace them back to their origins.


Stay Chill While You Chill

For cannabis newbies (and really everybody), trying new products or doses can be very rewarding, but if you’re going to be out in the sun you’ll want to really watch your consumption and make sure you stay well hydrated. Sure, standing in line to get a slice of pizza seems like a great idea, but if you haven’t had a drop of water all day it’ll be hard to beat the heat.

How to keep cool on a hot day (whether you’ve consumed cannabis, alcohol or nothing at all!):

  1. HYDRATE. We can’t say this enough. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and refill whenever you get a chance. There are all kinds of hydration apps that you can use to remind you to take a sip.

  2. Take a break in the shade. Catching some rays is one of the joys of Summer, but if you’re not well-hydrated (we’re gonna keep saying it!), you may find yourself overheated and dehydrated fast. Make sure to take breaks in the shade. You can check for sunburn, get hydrated and give your body some time to cool down.

  3. If you aren’t feeling well, seek medical attention. Heat stroke is serious business. It happens when your core body temperature reaches more than 104F. You may find that you’ve stopped sweating or have slurred speech. If you’re out and about (enjoying cannabis or not) on a hot Summer day and you or your friends experience heat stroke symptoms, immediately seek medical attention.

We hope these tips help ease you into finding the right recipe for your cannabis wellness lifestyle…and for staying cool this Summer. To learn more about cannabis and wellness, check out the conversations taking place in the Wellness Pavilion at NCF on August 28th!


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