Carrie Kirk's Faith and Cannabis Roots
Carrie Kirk
I was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but spent most of my childhood in Baltimore, Maryland and West Virginia. While living in Baton Rouge, my father worked for televangelist Jimmy Swaggert. We never had much, so when my parent’s moved our family to Baltimore we had to start from the beginning putting together a household and getting acquainted with a new community. We lived in a small apartment for the first few years in Baltimore. My Mom and Dad worked incredibly hard to make a life for us, starting a church, which my brother now runs.
I first used cannabis recreationally at that church with one of my best friends at the age of 14. My parents had very strict opinions about any type of substance-use at the time. Their minds would change later as my career and and cannabis lifestyle evolved from hiding behind the church to sneak a puff to working alongside some of the best professionals in the ancillary cannabis industry.
After finishing school, I worked at a pharmacy and medical equipment company for 17 years. I was experiencing career burnout and was looking for a change, so I applied and started attending Morgan State University’s dietician program. Soon I realized that keeping my full time job and attending school full time was not manageable and I left the program. My passion for health and wellness didn’t subside, but I couldn’t see an avenue to build a career and make a living wage until one day the husband of a good friend offered me a sales position at Cannaline.
“I see working at Cannaline as a natural fit that perfectly combines my medical equipment background with my interest in health and wellness.”
Since 2016, a whole new world of custom packaging/design has opened up to me. I see working at Cannaline as a natural fit that perfectly combines my medical equipment background with my interest in health and wellness. I have been a cannabis user for 20+ years and I believe that cannabis serves as an alternative to over-prescribed pharmaceuticals . I am fortunate to have experienced employers that have not taken issue with my cannabis use.
The past year taught me a lot about myself and setting expectations because I hate to disappoint. Sometimes it's out of your control and you just have to stop worrying and find a solution. If you can't find a solution, I retreat back to my roots and "Give it to God".
Amid the chaos of 2020, I made sure to set goals for myself which I worked hard to surpass. As a result, I was recently promoted to Vice President of Sales for Cannaline which blows my mind! I feel so humbled that the brilliant individuals I work with believe in me. My CEO Arnold Heckman is a huge influence and teaches me so much about packaging. I’m also fortunate to work with Drew Musgrove, our COO and Chris Broussard, Lead Designer. Together we’re working to expand Cannaline.
Photo Credit: Canna Convos Podcast
“Working in the cannabis industry has helped me grow in so many ways. I am able to meet like-minded, intelligent individuals from around the world who have different journeys, walks of life, and full of knowledge about one of my first loves...weed.”
Through my work in the cannabis industry I’ve met some of my best friends. I could gain nothing more from this industry and still be satisfied by my experience because of the amazing people I’ve met. Working in the cannabis industry has helped me grow in so many ways. I am able to meet like-minded, intelligent individuals from around the world who have different journeys, walks of life, and full of knowledge about one of my first loves...weed.
I encourage everyone to take every opportunity that comes your way. Try not to be shy or insecure. Overcome the fear of rejection, because this industry (in my opinion more than any other industry) is so loving and accepting.