National Cannabis Festival

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Meet National Cannabis Championship Finals Judge: Eugene Monroe

We are super-excited to have Eugene Monroe, former NFL player and prominent cannabis advocate, as one of the 2023 National Cannabis Championship Finals Judges. 

From Athlete to Advocate

If you don’t follow cannabis industry news, you probably recognize his name and face from his years in the NFL with the Jacksonville Jaguars and Baltimore Ravens. His decision to prioritize his health and retire from the league in an open letter on the Player’s Tribune in 2016 at the age of 29 made headlines for the reason:

“I'm only 29 and I still have the physical ability to play at a very high level, so I know that my decision to retire may be puzzling to some. But I am thinking of my family first right now — and my health and my future.

Photo Credit: NY Times

The last 18 years have been full of traumatic injuries to both my head and my body. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact. Has the damage to my brain already been done? Do I have CTE? I hope I don't, but over 90% of the brains of former NFL players that have been examined showed signs of the disease. I am terrified.”

During his time in the NFL, Eugene saw the damaging effects of traumatic injuries and the further damage caused by the prevalence of pharmaceuticals for treating pain and chronic conditions. His stance on cannabis was well known prior to his departure from the league as he pushed to change archaic policies that he felt damaged the health of players and their families:

“...whatever happens in terms of my professional football career, I will never stop pushing for the League to accept medical cannabis as a viable option for pain management.

I will do everything I can to ensure the generations of NFL players after me won't have to resort to harmful and addictive opioids as their only option for pain management.”

Every day since retiring from football in 2016, Monroe is making good on his promise. He challenged the NFL to change its substances of abuse policy, halting the enforcement of cannabis policies that do more harm than good.  He is the first NFL player bold enough to promote cannabis research for traumatic brain injury and pain management as an active athlete.  His work led to a raised threshold for a positive marijuana test from 35 nanograms to 150, eliminated suspensions for positive drug tests, and created a THC testing free window from 4/20 through August each year.   

To support his advocacy, Eugene makes research a priority. Alongside Realm of Caring and Canopy Growth, he helped to produce new research showing that daily consumption of commercially available hemp CBD extracts increases the likelihood of a positive drug test for THC.  This information is important for athletes and all employees whose employers still test and punish for cannabis.   

Cultivating Good Business

Eugene’s passion for growing cannabis was born through his travels and opportunities to see the plant being cultivated in a variety of ways.  He came home armed with new knowledge and started by growing in small spaces in Washington, D.C., and then expanding his knowledge to learn about cultivating cannabis at a commercial scale. 

Eugene was a co-founder of Green Thumb Industries where he helped to spread the company's national footprint.  Continuing his support of cannabis legalization efforts in many now legal states, he is currently serving as Chairman of the “Yes on 4 Campaign,” successfully creating the awareness needed to lift Maryland out of prohibition.  In addition, he is the Chief Executive Officer at Collective 60, a New Jersey adult-use cannabis business.

Learn more about Eugene Monroe here, and join us on April 22, 2023, in the Grower’s World pavilion to meet him in person.