Jeremy Plumb on Cannabis Science and Activism

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My name is Jeremy Plumb and I’m from the San Francisco Bay Area. I discovered my love for cannabis advocacy when I volunteered for Chris Conrad and Micki Norris in Oakland, California, when I was 15. I was fascinated by Micki’s work on a project called “Stolen Lives,” which shared stories about prisoners of the drug war and social justice. As I learned about cannabis activism, I also started learning about therapeutic use and developed a passion for learning about the cannabis plant as medicine.

Since 2017, I’ve managed production science at Prūf Cultivar, one of the most technologically advanced cannabis cultivation facilities in North America. At Prūf, I have the chance to combine decades of cannabis horticulture experience with cutting-edge technology to deliver the highest quality products.

“I get the chance to increase my sampling funnel and incorporate recent studies in sensory science. Pairing those samplings with a lifelong effort to discover the array of rich cannabis organoleptic experiences, weighted against efforts to analytically map the chemoscape at large will help me narrow the samples down to the winners.”

My work is incredibly rewarding and I love the amount of complexity in understanding phenotypic plasticity and what it takes to support the most evocative craft cannabis expressions and most useful therapeutic profiles.I’m excited to be an official Judge for the National Cannabis Championship because I get the chance to increase my sampling funnel and incorporate recent studies in sensory science. Pairing those samplings with a lifelong effort to discover the array of rich cannabis organoleptic experiences, weighted against efforts to analytically map the chemoscape at large will help me narrow the samples down to the winners.

One of my cannabis heroes is Rob Clarke, author, cannabis researcher and Project Manager for the International Hemp Association in Amsterdam. His pioneering of the modern cultivation and breeding science, as well as all ancestral cultures from hash producing regions is unprecedented.

“Constantly evaluate practices based on RUE (Resource Use Efficiency). Think more like an astronaut than a cowboy.”

My advice to novice growers is to STUDY! Lots. Be critically minded, evidence based, and open to rejecting the status quo. Innovate with the earth and a livable future in mind. Constantly evaluate practices based on RUE (Resource Use Efficiency). Think more like an astronaut than a cowboy.


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